If you enjoy keeping a journal, I would highly suggest taking a look at this one. Every time you look at the cover, be inspired by the beautiful work of a dear friend, Ms. Obando.
Jessica Obando, a friend I met and lived with in San Francisco during the summer after my sweet 16th, has always been an artist that inspired me. I will always think of my time with her fondly: the times we sketched together after sneaking through private property by the peers, the late nights in the studio while other people were drinking and having fun, the deep conversations of secrets and ambitions, the smell of her vanilla cigarettes, the sound of the most adorable sneeze I'll ever hear every morning when we woke up, and so much more. Jessica, you sharing this makes me proud and I want the people of the world to know how fortunate they are to have you living on this globe.
Maybe I'm making a big deal of a small achievement (small compared to what you WILL be doing!) and I'm definitely being dramatic, but what can I say? This has made me extremely happy.
Thank you for always believing in me and being a strong critic. Thank you for remembering me! I told you once, I'll tell you again: no matter where we are in life I believe in you and will continue to be here for the best and the worst! I adore you, love.

Love, Fruitloops
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