I've decided that Thursdays and.. umm, some other day of the week.. will be dedicated to sketches! Sketches of people, what I see, things from my imagination, painting plans that were never executed, etc. will be the focus. Quite a "focus"I have.
I'll be posting more sketches as the day continues. If I can't post them throughout today, they'll be posted.. some other day of the week! Everything will be chronological to see how I grow as I continue observing the world around me and the images inside my head.
The following sketches were done last night while browsing and stalking some of my favorite artists (Alex Woo, Bill Cone, you know, the Pixar artists!). Hopefully today I'll find time to sit somewhere and observe live models as they go about their day. Maybe you'll find a sketch of you walking in the mall in here. Ahahaha. I'll be watching. (Moo-ha-ha, says Chuck).

I know I said I'd upload more sketches, but, alas, Richard P. Feynman captured my attention all day! I cannot rest until this book is finished. Please read it too: "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"-- it's marvelous.
I decided my next sketch post will be on Sunday :) It works out because in two weeks I'll be taking classes, thus having more sketches to post on Thursdays, and I'll also have the weekends for my Sunday posting!
As for the in-between, well whenever I actually finish paintings or find something worth posting they will be uploaded. That's how I think I want to do things. Of course everything is subject to change, but I figured having some sort of plan to work off on is more beneficial for me, personally, than no plan at all.
Until then, Mr. Feynman will have my attention!