Dear Ally,
Officially you're moving to Taiwan on the 9th of June, so I wanted to make sure I got these paintings to you before you leave. I'll be bringing them home with me next week. I hope that when you see the painting in your room in Taiwan you'll know that I'm always thinking and loving you.
There are some things you need to know about your family. By the time you read this, you'll experience a lot of hardship, a lot of drama, a lot of learning and all without me right next to you. I hope that our skype sessions will keep us in touch, but now that we're going to be so far away I want to remind you about a few things:
1. Your parents have a huge heart. They love you, cherish you, and will do anything for you to see that you're set for life. They've lived a hard life and they only hope that your life will be easier. Give them some slack when you are older!! They're getting older too!
2. Family will always be there for you. This move is tough because we're all going our separate ways... but no matter when or where if you call me I'll make sure I'm there. You come first in my life. Always.
3. We're going to disagree on a lot of things. Culturally, we're going to be raised differently. In terms of family, I never had relatives besides our immediate family whereas you're going to get the whole basketful of Chens. Though we're going to be very different, I hope that though any time of disagreement, you know I will always love you. ALWAYS.
Basically, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU miss Allyson Chen. This means unconditionally, through any mistake that you might make, through any struggles we might face.
And I'm going to miss you. It's already hard just talking to you on the phone without wanting to run hundreds of miles up the coast of California and squeeze you.
I love you, and I can't wait to see you in a week. This is going to be the best week ever. I'm taking you EVERYWHERE.
Your anxious and obsessive sister,

Underpaintng, Acrylic
Background almost done, painting of Mommy and Me in the bg, Acrylic

"Family" Acrylic

Abstract background, Acrylic

"Dear Ally, I'll always love you." Acrylic