Sorry. I lied. I did not post my figure drawings as promised on FB.... MEH.
It's been a rough quarter dealing with a TA that is extremely... irritating and unfair. I say this after 8 weeks of trying to give him a chance and discussing this course with a fair amount of peers.
Meh. School is draining of inspiration sometimes, especially with professors that make you doubt some of the greatest artists of our history (Uhh, Da Vinci?!) and TAs who are more into their own penis (actually) than other perceptions of art.
Fortunately there are students who share the feeling of suffocation and are willing to join forces and find outside outlets for creativity. A friend and I have found a figure drawing public opportunity ($5 for three hours!) and just with one morning I feel enlightened again (the hot model might have something to do with this. Dang that girl was... attractive!)
I will put an alarm on for Saturday to post my sketches! Especially since this Saturday is going to be my first experience with a two hour pose. I'm debating how to tackle this time; painting or really intricate charcoal? I am leaning towards painting... I've never painted a nude pose! I'd put my sketches on right now, but I'm on campus from 8-11pm.
Going back to why I am lame. I feel like just writing on this blog is boring for you guys to read and I should be just be putting artwork with maybe a description. But then I realize that writing here helps me move forward. I mean, blogs are supposed to be selfish anyways, right? This blog in particular is my artistic outlet. Obviously I haven't been very artsy. I need to focus and get back into this.
Okay class is almost over. Until next time! Get ready for some nudity! ;)